R.E.M. – Losing My Religion

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R.E.M. – Losing My Religion
Key: A Minor BPM: ♩ = 125 Time: 4/4
|F     |Dm    G    |Am     |Am     |
|F     |Dm    G    |Am     |G      |

|Am     |Am    |Em                |Em              |
 Life is bigger,  it’s bigger than you, and you are
|Am         |Am                 |Em        |Em              |
 not me, the lengths that I will go to, the distance in your
|Am   |Am   |Em          |Em      |
 eyes,         oh no I've said too
|Dm   |Dm        |G   |G                 |
 much,   I set it up,    that’s me in the

  |Am   |Am                |Em         |Em       |
corner,    that’s me in the spot-light, losing my
   |Am   |Am         |Em          |Em        |
religion,   trying to keep up with you, and I
|Am                 |Am   |Em          |Em      |
 don't know if I can do it,  oh no I've said too
|Dm     |Dm           |G       |G                       |
 much, I haven't said enough, I thought that I heard you

    |F     |Dm             G        |Am   |Am   |
laughing, I thought that I heard you sing
 |F                |Dm   G   |Am   |G      |
I think I thought I saw  you  try,    every

   |Am     |Am          |Em       |Em         |
whisper, of every waking hour, I’m choosing my
     |Am   |Am         |Em            |Em         |
confessions,  trying to keep an eye on you, like a
|Am                    |Am        |Em          |Em      |
 hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool,  oh no I've said too
|Dm   |Dm        |G   |G         |
 much,   I set it up,    consider

|Am      |Am            |Em              |Em          |
 this, consider this the hint of the century, consider
|Am      |Am        |Em              |Em           |
 this the slip, that brought me to my knees, failed
|Am               |Am            |Em         |Em             |
 What if all these fantasies come,  flailing around, now I’ve
|Dm   |Dm   |G      |G                       |
 said    too much, I thought that I heard you

    |F     |Dm             G        |Am   |Am   |
laughing, I thought that I heard you sing
 |F                |Dm   G   |Am   |G   |
I think I thought I saw  you  try

|Am     |G     |F     |G     |

   |C              |Dm    |C              |Dm                     |
But that was just a dream, that was just a dream, that’s me in the

  |Am   |Am                |Em         |Em       |
corner,    that’s me in the spot-light, losing my
   |Am   |Am         |Em          |Em        |
religion,   trying to keep up with you, and I
|Am                 |Am   |Em          |Em      |
 don't know if I can do it,  oh no I've said too
|Dm     |Dm           |G       |G                       |
 much, I haven't said enough, I thought that I heard you

    |F     |Dm             G        |Am   |Am   |
laughing, I thought that I heard you sing
 |F                |Dm   G   |Am   |Am   |
I think I thought I saw  you  try
   |F              |Dm    G   |Am       |Am      |
But that was just a dream,     try, cry, fly, try
|F              |Dm     G     |Am           |G           |
 That was just a dream, just a dream, just a dream, dream

|Am     |Am     |Am     |Am     |
|Am     |Am     |Am     |Am     |

|Am     |